Music Industry Documentary

In this project, my group was tasked to create a Documentary for our Final Major Project. We decided to base it around the music industry and how different artists are affected by streaming services. At the start of this project, we had no knowledge about COVID-19 and the effect it was going to have on our production. We had planned the whole documentary and then lockdown happened. When we returned to college 5 months later, some of the contacts weren’t interested in taking part anymore. So we had to replan the whole thing from the ground up to the final video in 2 weeks. This shows the hard work and dedication my team and I put into making sure that we produced an informative documentary.



  • Script Writing
  • Location Scouting
  • Idea Generation
  • Storyboarding
  • Gathering Release Forms
  • Risk Assessment
  • Research
  • Creating Production Schedules & Shooting Scripts
  • Sourcing Music and Licences
  • Emailing Clients
  • Generating Proposals


  • Camera Operator
  • Set Designer
  • Setting Up Equipment
  • Engaging with On-Screen Client
  • Director
  • Producer


  • Editor
  • Graphic Designer
  • Animator
  • Assessed issues and improvements